1 Tools of the File menu

The following operations are provided in the File menu.

1.1 Open

The Open command provides the opening of an existing file.

1.2 Save

The command saves the project on the existing file.

1.3 Save as

The command saves the project on a new file.

1.4 Milestones 

The command saves gives access to the window that allows to manage the milestones of the design procedure.

It is possible to create a new milestone that is saving a version of the current model that is going to be stored and that can be restores when required. Moreover, it is possible to create a new milestone with analysis that stores the data of the last performed analysis. Finally, it is possible to open a milestone previously saved and to restore the model at that version.

1.5 New project

Creates a new empty file and a new project.

1.6 New empty project

Creates a new empty project without defining the site geolocation and the project information (see part 5: Tools in the Project Proprerties menu). In this case, the software automatically uses the site data of Trento.

1.7 Close project

The command turns off the project. If the project has not been saved the software gives the choice to save it.